
Mark Sherwin & Kevin Harrington (Videos)

Mark Sherwin and Kevin Harrington - Head and Elbow Crop Mark Sherwin is a contributor to a book with Kevin Harrington titled “New Wealth Principals.” Mark wrote a chapter titled “The 1 Thing You Need to Know About Money” which focuses on The 1 Thing we can “Do Now” to secure our families future financial goals and aspirations. We must ask ourselves what are the Major Dangers to our financial security? For the purposes of the book and to be concise in one chapter Mark focuses on the Modern-Day Strategic Dilemma of taxation. In this chapter Mark explains the difference between using tax-deferred vehicles such as IRAs and 401ks and using tax-free vehicles such as Roth IRAs and Section 7702 Plans. Look for the book on Amazon in the late spring to early summer of 2020. Below, you are invited to watch portions of an interview Kevin Harrington did with Mark Sherwin.

Question 1 - Who Is My Ideal Client?
Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin
Question 2 - What Kinds of Help Is My Typical Client Looking For?
Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin
Question 3 - How Do You Deal With the Challenges Your Clients Have in Figuring Out Their Financial Futures?
Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin
Question 4 - Our "Dream Team" That We Bring to Your Aid
Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin
Question 5 - When Should You Start Thinking About Taxes & Retirement?
Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin
Question 6 - Finish Strong - Your Exit to Peace, Freedom & Impact!
Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin
Full Video - Kevin Harrington and Mark Sherwin: Q1 - Q6

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"Build Wealth Like a Shark"
co-authored by Mark Sherwin
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Interview with Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank

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"Retire Abundantly"
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