
Executive Bonus Plan

How would you like a tax-advantaged strategy that allows you to…

  • Reward yourself and your key employees
  • Help contribute towards a secure retirement
  • Provide benefits in case you die too soon, live too long or become ill

An Executive Bonus Plan helps you stand apart from the competition by providing meaningful benefits to you and your employees.

Flexible contributions and multiple designs are available
May select among employees and may include business owner employee as a participant
Bonused dollars are tax-deductible to the company as compensation
Simple to implement: no IRS approval required
Provide incentives to reward and retain key employees

  • Receive a valuable benefit
  • Participant owns the life insurance policy and selects their beneficiary
  • Potential for retirement income through tax-free loans and withdrawals
  • Accelerated benefit riders offer access to the death benefit in the event of a qualifying terminal, chronic, critical illness or critical injury
  • Determine the amount and time of distribution
  • Cost for this program may be less than other types of arrangements
  • Heirs may receive an income tax-free death benefit
  • You may be able to pay income tax that is due on the bonus using loans and withdrawals from the policy
  • Business pays premium to the insurance company and treats it as a bonus to the participant to fund personal life insurance
  • Participant has tax-free death benefit for heirs, or potential for supplemental retirement income through policy loans and withdrawals
  • Life insurance accumulates cash value that may be used by the participant to pay the taxes on the bonus

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"Retire Abundantly"
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A Portfolio Diversification Tool

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